At least 62 people were killed after two blasts hit a mosque in Afghanistan’s eastern Nangarhar province on Friday, officials said.
Thirty-six others were wounded in the blasts which happened as worshippers were offering Friday prayer in the mosque in Haska Mina district. The roof of the mosque collapsed following the blasts.
There was no immediate claimed of responsibility for the bombings, but the government blamed the Taliban. The group, however, denied involvement.
“The Afghan government strongly condemns today’s suicide attack in a mosque in Nangarhar province in which 26 innocent Afghans lost their lives and many others wounded,” said Sediq Sediqi, a presidential spokesman. “The Taliban and their partners heinous crimes continue to target civilians in time of worship.”
Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah said that the attack shows the “terrorists’ utter disregard for human life and our faith.”
He vowed to punish the culprits “as terrorists and spoilers will not be absolved of responsibility for such inhumane crimes.”
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that those responsible for the attack must be held accountable.
He reiterated the solidarity of the UN with the Afghan people and Government.
US Ambassador John Bass said that killing worshippers assembled together in peace “is unconscionable”
“All Afghans have the right to live and worship together in safety,” Bass said.
The attack was condemned also by countries including, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and UAE.