Partial poll recount process has been completed in 12 provinces of Afghanistan, the country’s Independent Election Commission said on Monday.
Habib Ur Rahman Nang, IEC’s head of secretariat, said that the process would be completed all over the country if there is no hindrance.
IEC had started recounting of votes from more than 8,000 polling stations on November 9, but the process was boycotted by several candidates.
The commission paused the process for three days to address the candidates’ concerns but they said that they were not convinced.
Supporters of candidates have blocked the recount in several provinces of the country and on Monday police fired shots in the air to disperse them near IEC’s provincial headquarter in Badakhshan.
Reports suggest that IEC’s offices remain closed in 10 provinces of the country. The commission confirmed their closure in Panjshir, Takhar, Jowzjan, Sar-i-Pul and Faryab provinces.
IEC was originally scheduled to announce preliminary result from September 28 presidential election on October 19, but it postponed it to November 14, citing technical problems and efforts for more transparency.
The commission has missed the second deadline as well and is yet to announce a new one.