A total of 1,051,998 people voted in 2,597 of polling centers in Afghanistan presidential election on Saturday, officials said.
The number suggests low level of turnout in a country where more than nine million people are registered to vote.
Speaking at a press conference, a member of Independent Election Commission, said that it received the latest data from the local officials via phone.
He said that turnout in the remaining 2,308 polling centers would be revealed soon.
The official detailed the data as below:
Province | Centers | Votes |
Badakhshan | 17 | 6,028 |
Baghlan | 86 | 13,695 |
Balkh | 100 | 53,334 |
Bamyan | 202 | 70,939 |
Daikundi | 246 | 69,870 |
Faryab | 30 | 8,771 |
Ghor | 35 | 15,054 |
Helmand | 68 | 18,641 |
Herat | 128 | 57,358 |
Jowzjan | 25 | 18,215 |
Kabul | 516 | 440,808 |
Kandahar | 309 | 22,813 |
Kapisa | 25 | 10,140 |
Khost | 154 | 50,549 |
Laghman | 46 | 13,736 |
Logar | 10 | 2,784 |
Kandahar | 43 | 25,153 |
Kunduz | 46 | 11,541 |
Maidan Wardak | 63 | 6,747 |
Nangarhar | 309 | 22,813 |
Nimroz | 11 | 3,705 |
Nuristan | 14 | 7,736 |
Paktika | 26 | 3,068 |
Paktia | 47 | 11,821 |
Panjsher | 96 | 10,144 |
Parwan | 37 | 14,208 |
Samangan | 19 | 15,339 |
Sar-e-Pul | 33 | 16,395 |
Takhar | 41 | 14,466 |
Uruzgan | 4 | 436 |
Zabul | 6 | 490 |
Kunar | 110 | 39,898 |