Chairman of High Council for National Reconciliation, Abdullah Abdullah, will soon finalize list of nominees for ministerial positions, his spokesman said on Sunday.
This comes as two days ago, the presidency said that it had received a list of people Abdullah’s side wanted to be appointed as ministers.
The new cabinet has yet to be formed despite nearly two months from a power-sharing deal signed between President Ghani and his election challenger Abdullah Abdullah.
Fraidoon Khawzoon, a spokesman for High Council for National Reconciliation, said that Abdullah side’s list of ministerial nominees will soon be finalized and sent to the presidency.
Sources close to Abdullah said that the delay was due to differences with their supporters over their share of ministries.
Some members of the parliament criticized Ghani and Abdullah for delaying cabinet formation.
The presidency, however, denied there was any disagreement over nominating ministers, adding the list will soon be finalized and sent to the parliament for approval.
Under the political deal, Abdullah’s side gets 50 percent of the cabinet.
Ghani has nominated some ministers so far, but Abdullah has yet to introduce any.
Less than 10 days are left to parliament’s summer recess and it remains unclear if it could get the ministerial nominees for approval by then.