Taliban attacks on Afghan forces were high in the first three months of the year even with a one-week reduction in violence ahead of the group signing an agreement with the United States, a Pentagon watchdog said Tuesday.
“The United States and Taliban agreed to a one-week reduction in violence prior to the signing of the agreement, but Taliban violence during the quarter overall was high,” acting Pentagon Inspector General Sean O’Donnell wrote in the introduction to the latest quarterly lead inspector general report.
“According to senior US officials, the Taliban significantly decreased its attacks during the negotiated week of reduced violence that preceded the signing of the agreement,”the report said. “However, both during the reduction in violence and after the signing of the agreement, the Taliban continued attacks against Afghan National Defense and Security Forces.”
Citing the State Department, the report also said “during those seven days, the Taliban largely ceased attacks against US and coalition forces, but continued a wide range of smaller, harassing attacks against the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces.”
Meanwhile, top US diplomat for South and Central Asia, Alice Wells, told 1TV that the current level of violence in Afghanistan is unacceptable.
She urged the Afghan government and Taliban to reach peace agreement and unify against Islamic State militant group.