Hizb-i-Islami leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar on Tuesday unveiled his plan for peace with the Taliban.
According the plan, all parties to the conflict should commit to ceasefire, release of prisoners and integration of the Taliban fighters into the Afghan Security Forces during negotiations.
They should also agree on formation of an interim government that would hold election, Hekmatyar said.
He said that head of the interim government and its cabinet members could not be candidates in next election or support any electoral team. The interim government should not last more than one year.
The negotiations should be held in Afghanistan or in a neutral country, Hekmatyar said.
He said that parties in Afghan peace talks should agree not to allow use of Afghanistan as a ground for proxy war.
He said that the negotiating team should be small and with pre-determined authorities.
“Peace belongs to entire nation, no individual or entity has the right to veto it,” Hekmatyar said.
The plan comes as US and Taliban are holding talks in Qatari capital Doha.
During his recent visit to Kabul, US negotiator Zalmay Khalilzad emphasized Afghans should continue to focus on bringing together an inclusive negotiating team and preparing for intra-Afghan negotiations.