The latest global corruption index indicates that Afghanistan has made no improvement in the fight against the menace.
The 2019 Corruption Perceptions Index ranks Afghanistan in 173rd place on the list of 180 countries with a score of 16, the same it scored the previous year.
Compiled by the non-governmental organization Transparency International, the index scores countries between zero and 100, zero being highly corrupt and 100 very clean.
Afghanistan is tied with Equtorial Guinea, Sudan and Venezuela and is ahead of Yemen, Syria, South Sudan and Somalia.
Denmark topped the list, followed by New Zealand and Finland.
“Governments must urgently address the corrupting role of big money in political party financing and the undue influence it exerts on our political systems,” said Delia Ferreira Rubio, chairperson of Transparency International.
Patricia Moreira, the managing director of Transparency International said: “To have any chance of ending corruption and improving peoples’ lives, we must tackle the relationship between politics and big money. All citizens must be represented in decision-making.”