A number of presidential candidates on Monday called for formation of National Partnership government to resolve election crisis.
The call comes as supporters of some candidates have blocked recounting process in seven provinces of the country citing fraud and results from the election have not been announced more than two months after the polling.
Candidate Abdullah Abdullah’s supporters have conducted rallies in four provinces of the country including Kabul, Baghlan, Takhar and Faryab.
“A partnership government should be formed. National trust must be restored. Afghanistan’s complex problems cannot be resolved by one or two individuals,” candidate Ahmad Wali Massoud said at a press conference of Council of Presidential Candidates in Kabul.
The council said that it would soon release details of plan for future government involving candidates.
Candidate Shahab Hakimi said that the election crisis had worsened security and economic situation in the country and was provoking conflict between different ethnic groups.
President Ashraf Ghani’s spokesman dismissed the candidates’ plan as a “hollow” plan. He said that Afghan people haveexpressed their will for the continuation of republic system byvoting and they wouldn’t go back.
IEC started recount on November 9 and has completed the process in 27 provinces of the country.
Protesters have blocked the process in seven provinces of the country, demanding removal of 300,000 votes they say are non-biometric or fraudulent.
However, IEC has said that it cannot invalidate votes before completing recount.