Some 300000 fraudulent votes are still in biometric data, Abdullah Abdullah’s electoral team said on Monday.
Noor Rahman Akhlaqi, an observer of Abdullah’s team, told a press conference that the controversial 137,630 votes had possibly been registered six days after the election day after setting the data of the devices to voting day.
He said that more than 100,000 votes were recorded outside the voting time and 70,000 votes still didn’t meet photo criteria.
Earlier on Saturday, the Independent Election Commission announced that 86,226 votes had been detected as failing to meet criteria after filtering of biometric data by Dermalog, a company that provided biometric machines.
The commission said that 1,843,107 votes were valid votes and that it was ready to launch auditing and recounting of the votes.
Akhlaqi said that all invalid votes should be detected before the process of recounting begins. He also said that recounting should not be done under supervision of officials who are accused of involvement in fraud.